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Hey Y'all

Hey Guys!

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, my inking system has been being really slow! I'm struggling just to get the inks to load, much less the tones. So for those of you who are actually reading, thank you for your loyalty and don't stop being loyal, I WILL have new pages up in a matter of time!

OK! The other thing I would like to tell you about is that I have a ton of other comic ideas that I"d love to share. Just send an email to


With a list of genres you like, and I'd be obliged to give you a summary of some of the other plots I'm working on. Thanks all!

And tell all your friends about this site, and tell them to tell their friends and so on! And don't be timid! Go ahead and comment! I love feedback (both good and bad!)

Talk soon!


Issue 1, Page 5-6

So, panel 1 of page 5, MY FAVORITE!!! I just love the whole 5th page, it's overly dramatic and I laugh, and of course Nathan with his new best friend. So yes, once again I have very little to say about this page, read and enjoy!


Issue 1, Page 3-4

So here we introduce Paige, she reads a lot and watches after Frankie, but who is this Frankie!? You'll find out soon enough.


Issue 1, Page 1-2

It's confusing at first, but you'll get it sooner or later!

The Not So True Story of Jenn

So this comic (that I will post as soon as the first pages are done) is about real people put into a VERY fictional situation. Please enjoy and COMMENT! Thanks!